New Features

Herdwatch Feature List

From medicine recording, herd and flock management, farm mapping, audit reports to, sprays and weight recording, Herdwatch has got you covered.

Cattle & Dairy Features


Track your animals breeding, weights and milk performance

Herd Management

Manage your herd from your hand, individually or in groups. Record births & sales easily.

Health Records

Simplify your medicine records by capturing group & individual treatments quickly.


Record general jobs/tasks to to done, feed purchases, measure BCS, weaning, castration or hoof care.


Reports to track herd performance and for farm inspections in seconds

Easy to Use

A user friendly service with a team of customer support to help you out


Manage your animals’ breeding performance easily by recording serves, scans, dry-offs and generate due to calf lists.

Automated Insights

Keep track of your cattle margins on your farm with this new feature

Livestock Sales & Purchases

Track Performance by adding in sale/purchase prices after you buy or sell animals

Map your Farm

Put your ranch on the map for FREE and input paddock jobs and notes

Weight Recording

Fast Weight Recording and Average Daily Gains at your fingertips

Feed Purchase Records

Record all of your feed purchases throughout the year

Sheep & Goats Features


Track your animals' health, genetics, breeding, weights with average daily gains, sales & purchases and more...

Flock Management

Manage your flock from your hand, individually or in groups / mobs. Record births & sales easily.

Health Records

Simplify your medicine records by capturing group & individual treatments quickly.


Manage your animals’ breeding performance easily by capturing mating records, lambed list, lambing stats and due to lamb lists.

EID Compatibility

Connect your EID reader. Scan tags to view an animal’s history or add records individually or in batch.


Whether its for your own use or farm inspections, generate reports in seconds with our ready-made reports.

Sheep & Goats Features

Soil Fertility

Import your soil test results and visualize your Ph, P & K levels with our easy-to-understand analysis to help make informed decisions.

Crop Performance

Track cultivations, seeding events, crop health & yields at harvest to manage events and also track your input costs and returns.

Chemical Stock Management

Record your chemical spray purchases and usage in our easy-to-usage app for compliance and to track costs.

Paddock Management

Create field jobs & reminders for upcoming tasks, generate reports for inspections and much more…

Fertilizer Stock Management

Record all fertilizer purchases and usage in the app to manage costs and track application history per pasture.

Map your Farm

Using high resolution satellite imagery to map your pastures, name them, measure the acreage & color code by purpose.

Join our herd of over 20,000 farmers today!

Get your first 6 months for just €/£/$99 or start a 30 day free trial.